- new SeamHttpLocks(apiKeyOrOptions?): SeamHttpLocks
client: AxiosInstance
- get(body?): SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
device: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: {
level: ...;
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| "low"
| "full"
| "critical"
| "good";
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: {
endpoint_id: ...;
is_active: ...;
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: string;
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: string;
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: string;
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: null | string;
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: string | number;
door_id?: number;
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: string;
predefined_time_slots?: (...)[];
site_id: null | number;
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: string;
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: string;
bridge_name?: string;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: string;
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
humidity: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
pressure: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
sound: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
temperature: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: string;
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: "indoor" | "outdoor";
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: boolean;
keypad_battery_critical?: boolean;
keypad_paired?: boolean;
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: null | number;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: "bridge" | "doorking";
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: string;
model?: string;
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: number;
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: boolean;
lock_command: boolean;
passcode: boolean;
passcode_management: boolean;
unlock_via_gateway: boolean;
has_gateway?: boolean;
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...)[];
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: string;
locker_status_hardlock?: number;
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ({
constraint_type: ...;
} | {
constraint_type: ...;
max_length?: ...;
min_length?: ...;
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: string;
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: boolean;
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: boolean;
can_edit: boolean;
climate_preset_key: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name: string;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed: boolean;
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_fan_mode_settings?: ("auto" | "on" | "circulate")[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool")[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: null | number;
lower_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
upper_limit_celsius: null | number;
upper_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
lock: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: {
level: ...;
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| "low"
| "full"
| "critical"
| "good";
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: {
endpoint_id: ...;
is_active: ...;
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: string;
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: string;
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: string;
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: null | string;
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: string | number;
door_id?: number;
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: string;
predefined_time_slots?: (...)[];
site_id: null | number;
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: string;
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: string;
bridge_name?: string;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: string;
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
humidity: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
pressure: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
sound: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
temperature: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: string;
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: "indoor" | "outdoor";
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: boolean;
keypad_battery_critical?: boolean;
keypad_paired?: boolean;
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: null | number;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: "bridge" | "doorking";
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: string;
model?: string;
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: number;
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: boolean;
lock_command: boolean;
passcode: boolean;
passcode_management: boolean;
unlock_via_gateway: boolean;
has_gateway?: boolean;
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...)[];
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: string;
locker_status_hardlock?: number;
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ({
constraint_type: ...;
} | {
constraint_type: ...;
max_length?: ...;
min_length?: ...;
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: string;
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: boolean;
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: boolean;
can_edit: boolean;
climate_preset_key: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name: string;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed: boolean;
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_fan_mode_settings?: ("auto" | "on" | "circulate")[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool")[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: null | number;
lower_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
upper_limit_celsius: null | number;
upper_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
}>, "lock" | "device">, "device"> Parameters
body: {
device_id?: string;
name?: string;
device_id?: string
name?: string
Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
device: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: {
level: ...;
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| "low"
| "full"
| "critical"
| "good";
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: {
endpoint_id: ...;
is_active: ...;
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: string;
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: string;
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: string;
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: null | string;
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: string | number;
door_id?: number;
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: string;
predefined_time_slots?: (...)[];
site_id: null | number;
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: string;
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: string;
bridge_name?: string;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: string;
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
humidity: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
pressure: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
sound: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
temperature: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: string;
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: "indoor" | "outdoor";
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: boolean;
keypad_battery_critical?: boolean;
keypad_paired?: boolean;
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: null | number;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: "bridge" | "doorking";
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: string;
model?: string;
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: number;
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: boolean;
lock_command: boolean;
passcode: boolean;
passcode_management: boolean;
unlock_via_gateway: boolean;
has_gateway?: boolean;
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...)[];
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: string;
locker_status_hardlock?: number;
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ({
constraint_type: ...;
} | {
constraint_type: ...;
max_length?: ...;
min_length?: ...;
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: string;
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: boolean;
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: boolean;
can_edit: boolean;
climate_preset_key: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name: string;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed: boolean;
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_fan_mode_settings?: ("auto" | "on" | "circulate")[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool")[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: null | number;
lower_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
upper_limit_celsius: null | number;
upper_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
lock: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: {
level: ...;
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| "low"
| "full"
| "critical"
| "good";
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: {
endpoint_id: ...;
is_active: ...;
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: string;
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: string;
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: string;
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: null | string;
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: string | number;
door_id?: number;
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: string;
predefined_time_slots?: (...)[];
site_id: null | number;
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: string;
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: string;
bridge_name?: string;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: string;
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
humidity: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
pressure: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
sound: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
temperature: {
time: ...;
value: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: string;
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: "indoor" | "outdoor";
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: boolean;
keypad_battery_critical?: boolean;
keypad_paired?: boolean;
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: string;
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: null | number;
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: string;
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: "bridge" | "doorking";
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: string;
model?: string;
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: number;
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: boolean;
lock_command: boolean;
passcode: boolean;
passcode_management: boolean;
unlock_via_gateway: boolean;
has_gateway?: boolean;
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...)[];
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: string;
locker_status_hardlock?: number;
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ({
constraint_type: ...;
} | {
constraint_type: ...;
max_length?: ...;
min_length?: ...;
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: string;
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: boolean;
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: boolean;
can_edit: boolean;
climate_preset_key: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name: string;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed: boolean;
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_fan_mode_settings?: ("auto" | "on" | "circulate")[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool")[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: boolean;
can_edit?: boolean;
climate_preset_key?: string;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
display_name?: string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
| "off"
| "heat"
| "cool"
| "heat_cool";
manual_override_allowed?: boolean;
name?: null | string;
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: null | number;
lower_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
upper_limit_celsius: null | number;
upper_limit_fahrenheit: null | number;
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
}>, "lock" | "device">, "device">
- list(body?): SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
devices: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: (...) | (...);
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: (...)[];
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: (...) | (...);
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: (...) | (...);
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: (...) | (...);
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: (...) | (...);
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
door_id?: (...) | (...);
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: (...) | (...);
predefined_time_slots?: (...) | (...);
site_id: (...) | (...);
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: (...) | (...);
bridge_name?: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: ...;
humidity: ...;
pressure: ...;
sound: ...;
temperature: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: (...) | (...);
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: (...) | (...);
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_battery_critical?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: (...) | (...) | (...);
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: (...) | (...);
model?: (...) | (...);
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: ...;
lock_command: ...;
passcode: ...;
passcode_management: ...;
unlock_via_gateway: ...;
has_gateway?: (...) | (...) | (...);
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...) | (...);
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: (...) | (...);
locker_status_hardlock?: (...) | (...);
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ((...) | (...))[];
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: (...)[];
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: (...) | (...);
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: ...;
can_edit: ...;
climate_preset_key: ...;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: ...;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
display_name: ...;
fan_mode_setting?: ...;
heating_set_point_celsius?: ...;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
hvac_mode_setting?: ...;
manual_override_allowed: ...;
name?: ...;
available_fan_mode_settings?: ((...) | (...) | (...))[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
lower_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
locks: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: (...) | (...);
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: (...)[];
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: (...) | (...);
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: (...) | (...);
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: (...) | (...);
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: (...) | (...);
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
door_id?: (...) | (...);
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: (...) | (...);
predefined_time_slots?: (...) | (...);
site_id: (...) | (...);
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: (...) | (...);
bridge_name?: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: ...;
humidity: ...;
pressure: ...;
sound: ...;
temperature: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: (...) | (...);
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: (...) | (...);
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_battery_critical?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: (...) | (...) | (...);
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: (...) | (...);
model?: (...) | (...);
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: ...;
lock_command: ...;
passcode: ...;
passcode_management: ...;
unlock_via_gateway: ...;
has_gateway?: (...) | (...) | (...);
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...) | (...);
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: (...) | (...);
locker_status_hardlock?: (...) | (...);
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ((...) | (...))[];
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: (...)[];
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: (...) | (...);
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: ...;
can_edit: ...;
climate_preset_key: ...;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: ...;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
display_name: ...;
fan_mode_setting?: ...;
heating_set_point_celsius?: ...;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
hvac_mode_setting?: ...;
manual_override_allowed: ...;
name?: ...;
available_fan_mode_settings?: ((...) | (...) | (...))[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
lower_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
}>, "devices" | "locks">, "devices"> Parameters
body: {
connect_webview_id?: string;
connected_account_id?: string;
connected_account_ids?: string[];
created_before?: Date;
custom_metadata_has?: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_ids?: string[];
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
device_types?: (
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone")[];
exclude_if?: (
| "can_remotely_unlock"
| "can_remotely_lock"
| "can_program_offline_access_codes"
| "can_program_online_access_codes"
| "can_hvac_heat"
| "can_hvac_cool"
| "can_hvac_heat_cool"
| "can_turn_off_hvac"
| "can_simulate_removal"
| "can_simulate_connection"
| "can_simulate_disconnection")[];
include_if?: (
| "can_remotely_unlock"
| "can_remotely_lock"
| "can_program_offline_access_codes"
| "can_program_online_access_codes"
| "can_hvac_heat"
| "can_hvac_cool"
| "can_hvac_heat_cool"
| "can_turn_off_hvac"
| "can_simulate_removal"
| "can_simulate_connection"
| "can_simulate_disconnection")[];
limit?: number;
| "linear"
| "unknown"
| "doorking"
| "akuvox"
| "august"
| "avigilon_alta"
| "brivo"
| "butterflymx"
| "schlage"
| "smartthings"
| "yale"
| "genie"
| "salto"
| "lockly"
| "ttlock"
| "nuki"
| "igloo"
| "kwikset"
| "minut"
| "controlbyweb"
| "nest"
| "igloohome"
| "ecobee"
| "hubitat"
| "four_suites"
| "dormakaba_oracode"
| "wyze"
| "tedee"
| "honeywell_resideo"
| "akiles"
| "tado"
| "seam"
| "keywe"
| "philia"
| "samsung"
| "two_n";
unstable_location_id?: null | string;
user_identifier_key?: string;
connect_webview_id?: string
connected_account_id?: string
connected_account_ids?: string[]
created_before?: Date
custom_metadata_has?: Record<string, string | boolean>
device_ids?: string[]
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone"
device_types?: (
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone")[]
exclude_if?: (
| "can_remotely_unlock"
| "can_remotely_lock"
| "can_program_offline_access_codes"
| "can_program_online_access_codes"
| "can_hvac_heat"
| "can_hvac_cool"
| "can_hvac_heat_cool"
| "can_turn_off_hvac"
| "can_simulate_removal"
| "can_simulate_connection"
| "can_simulate_disconnection")[]
include_if?: (
| "can_remotely_unlock"
| "can_remotely_lock"
| "can_program_offline_access_codes"
| "can_program_online_access_codes"
| "can_hvac_heat"
| "can_hvac_cool"
| "can_hvac_heat_cool"
| "can_turn_off_hvac"
| "can_simulate_removal"
| "can_simulate_connection"
| "can_simulate_disconnection")[]
limit?: number
| "linear"
| "unknown"
| "doorking"
| "akuvox"
| "august"
| "avigilon_alta"
| "brivo"
| "butterflymx"
| "schlage"
| "smartthings"
| "yale"
| "genie"
| "salto"
| "lockly"
| "ttlock"
| "nuki"
| "igloo"
| "kwikset"
| "minut"
| "controlbyweb"
| "nest"
| "igloohome"
| "ecobee"
| "hubitat"
| "four_suites"
| "dormakaba_oracode"
| "wyze"
| "tedee"
| "honeywell_resideo"
| "akiles"
| "tado"
| "seam"
| "keywe"
| "philia"
| "samsung"
| "two_n"
unstable_location_id?: null | string
user_identifier_key?: string
Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
devices: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: (...) | (...);
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: (...)[];
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: (...) | (...);
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: (...) | (...);
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: (...) | (...);
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: (...) | (...);
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
door_id?: (...) | (...);
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: (...) | (...);
predefined_time_slots?: (...) | (...);
site_id: (...) | (...);
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: (...) | (...);
bridge_name?: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: ...;
humidity: ...;
pressure: ...;
sound: ...;
temperature: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: (...) | (...);
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: (...) | (...);
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_battery_critical?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: (...) | (...) | (...);
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: (...) | (...);
model?: (...) | (...);
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: ...;
lock_command: ...;
passcode: ...;
passcode_management: ...;
unlock_via_gateway: ...;
has_gateway?: (...) | (...) | (...);
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...) | (...);
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: (...) | (...);
locker_status_hardlock?: (...) | (...);
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ((...) | (...))[];
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: (...)[];
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: (...) | (...);
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: ...;
can_edit: ...;
climate_preset_key: ...;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: ...;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
display_name: ...;
fan_mode_setting?: ...;
heating_set_point_celsius?: ...;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
hvac_mode_setting?: ...;
manual_override_allowed: ...;
name?: ...;
available_fan_mode_settings?: ((...) | (...) | (...))[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
lower_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
locks: {
can_hvac_cool?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat?: boolean;
can_hvac_heat_cool?: boolean;
can_program_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
can_program_online_access_codes?: boolean;
can_remotely_lock?: boolean;
can_remotely_unlock?: boolean;
can_simulate_connection?: boolean;
can_simulate_disconnection?: boolean;
can_simulate_removal?: boolean;
can_turn_off_hvac?: boolean;
capabilities_supported: (
| "access_code"
| "phone"
| "lock"
| "noise_detection"
| "thermostat"
| "battery")[];
connected_account_id: string;
created_at: string;
custom_metadata: Record<string, string | boolean>;
device_id: string;
| "akuvox_lock"
| "august_lock"
| "brivo_access_point"
| "butterflymx_panel"
| "avigilon_alta_entry"
| "doorking_lock"
| "genie_door"
| "igloo_lock"
| "linear_lock"
| "lockly_lock"
| "kwikset_lock"
| "nuki_lock"
| "salto_lock"
| "schlage_lock"
| "seam_relay"
| "smartthings_lock"
| "wyze_lock"
| "yale_lock"
| "two_n_intercom"
| "controlbyweb_device"
| "ttlock_lock"
| "igloohome_lock"
| "hubitat_lock"
| "four_suites_door"
| "dormakaba_oracode_door"
| "tedee_lock"
| "akiles_lock"
| "noiseaware_activity_zone"
| "minut_sensor"
| "ecobee_thermostat"
| "nest_thermostat"
| "honeywell_resideo_thermostat"
| "tado_thermostat"
| "ios_phone"
| "android_phone";
display_name: string;
errors: (
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "account_disconnected";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
is_connected_account_error: true;
is_device_error: false;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_offline";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_removed";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "hub_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "device_disconnected";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "empty_backup_access_code_pool";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_not_authorized";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "august_lock_missing_bridge";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "ttlock_lock_not_paired_to_gateway";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "missing_device_credentials";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "auxiliary_heat_running";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "subscription_required";
is_device_error: true;
message: string;
| {
created_at: string;
error_code: "invalid_credentials";
is_connected_account_error: true;
message: string;
is_managed: true;
location: null | {
location_name?: string;
timezone?: string;
nickname?: string;
properties: {
accessory_keypad?: {
battery?: (...) | (...);
is_connected: boolean;
appearance: {
name: string;
battery?: {
level: number;
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
battery_level?: number;
currently_triggering_noise_threshold_ids?: string[];
has_direct_power?: boolean;
image_alt_text?: string;
image_url?: string;
manufacturer?: string;
model: {
accessory_keypad_supported?: boolean;
can_connect_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
display_name: string;
has_built_in_keypad?: boolean;
manufacturer_display_name: string;
offline_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
online_access_codes_supported?: boolean;
name: string;
noise_level_decibels?: number;
offline_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
online: boolean;
online_access_codes_enabled?: boolean;
serial_number?: string;
supports_accessory_keypad?: boolean;
supports_offline_access_codes?: boolean;
} & {
assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata?: {
endpoints: (...)[];
has_active_endpoint: boolean;
salto_space_credential_service_metadata?: {
has_active_phone: boolean;
} & {
akiles_metadata?: {
_member_group_id?: (...) | (...);
gadget_id: string;
gadget_name: string;
product_name: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
encoder_name: string;
august_metadata?: {
has_keypad: boolean;
house_id?: (...) | (...);
house_name: string;
keypad_battery_level?: (...) | (...);
lock_id: string;
lock_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
avigilon_alta_metadata?: {
entry_name: string;
entry_relays_total_count: number;
org_name: string;
site_id: number;
site_name: string;
zone_id: number;
zone_name: string;
brivo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
controlbyweb_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
relay_name: (...) | (...);
dormakaba_oracode_metadata?: {
device_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
door_id?: (...) | (...);
door_is_wireless: boolean;
door_name: string;
iana_timezone?: (...) | (...);
predefined_time_slots?: (...) | (...);
site_id: (...) | (...);
site_name: string;
ecobee_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
ecobee_device_id: string;
four_suites_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
reclose_delay_in_seconds: number;
genie_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
door_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_metadata?: {
device_name: string;
honeywell_resideo_device_id: string;
hubitat_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_label: string;
device_name: string;
igloo_metadata?: {
bridge_id: string;
device_id: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
igloohome_metadata?: {
bridge_id?: (...) | (...);
bridge_name?: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
kwikset_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model_number: string;
lockly_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
minut_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
latest_sensor_values: {
accelerometer_z: ...;
humidity: ...;
pressure: ...;
sound: ...;
temperature: ...;
nest_metadata?: {
device_custom_name: string;
device_name: string;
display_name?: (...) | (...);
nest_device_id: string;
noiseaware_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_model: (...) | (...);
device_name: string;
noise_level_decibel: number;
noise_level_nrs: number;
nuki_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_2_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_battery_critical?: (...) | (...) | (...);
keypad_paired?: (...) | (...) | (...);
salto_ks_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
salto_metadata?: {
battery_level: string;
customer_reference: string;
lock_id: string;
lock_type: string;
locked_state: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
schlage_metadata?: {
access_code_length: (...) | (...);
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
model?: (...) | (...);
seam_bridge_metadata?: {
device_num: number;
name: string;
unlock_method?: (...) | (...) | (...);
smartthings_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_name: string;
location_id?: (...) | (...);
model?: (...) | (...);
tado_metadata?: {
device_type: string;
serial_no: string;
tedee_metadata?: {
bridge_id: number;
bridge_name: string;
device_id: number;
device_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_id?: (...) | (...);
serial_number: string;
ttlock_metadata?: {
feature_value: string;
features: {
incomplete_keyboard_passcode: ...;
lock_command: ...;
passcode: ...;
passcode_management: ...;
unlock_via_gateway: ...;
has_gateway?: (...) | (...) | (...);
lock_alias: string;
lock_id: number;
wireless_keypads?: (...) | (...);
two_n_metadata?: {
device_id: number;
device_name: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
encoder_id: string;
wyze_metadata?: {
device_id: string;
device_info_model: string;
device_name: string;
keypad_uuid?: (...) | (...);
locker_status_hardlock?: (...) | (...);
product_model: string;
product_name: string;
product_type: string;
} & {
_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths?: number[];
code_constraints?: ((...) | (...))[];
door_open?: boolean;
has_native_entry_events?: boolean;
keypad_battery?: {
level: number;
locked?: boolean;
max_active_codes_supported?: number;
supported_code_lengths?: number[];
supports_backup_access_code_pool?: boolean;
} & {
active_thermostat_schedule?: null | {
climate_preset_key: string;
created_at: string;
device_id: string;
ends_at: string;
errors: (...)[];
max_override_period_minutes: number;
name?: (...) | (...);
starts_at: string;
thermostat_schedule_id: string;
unstable_is_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
available_climate_presets?: {
can_delete: ...;
can_edit: ...;
climate_preset_key: ...;
cooling_set_point_celsius?: ...;
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
display_name: ...;
fan_mode_setting?: ...;
heating_set_point_celsius?: ...;
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: ...;
hvac_mode_setting?: ...;
manual_override_allowed: ...;
name?: ...;
available_fan_mode_settings?: ((...) | (...) | (...))[];
available_hvac_mode_settings?: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
current_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
default_climate_setting?: {
can_delete?: (...) | (...) | (...);
can_edit?: (...) | (...) | (...);
climate_preset_key?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
display_name?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
heating_set_point_celsius?: (...) | (...);
heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: (...) | (...);
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...);
manual_override_allowed?: (...) | (...) | (...);
name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
fallback_climate_preset_key?: null | string;
fan_mode_setting?: "auto" | "on" | "circulate";
is_cooling?: boolean;
is_fan_running?: boolean;
is_heating?: boolean;
is_temporary_manual_override_active?: boolean;
max_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
max_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius?: number;
min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit?: number;
min_heating_set_point_celsius?: number;
min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit?: number;
relative_humidity?: number;
temperature_celsius?: number;
temperature_fahrenheit?: number;
temperature_threshold?: {
lower_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
lower_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_celsius: (...) | (...);
upper_limit_fahrenheit: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "partial_backup_access_code_pool";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "many_active_backup_codes";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "wyze_device_missing_gateway";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "functional_offline_device";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "third_party_integration_detected";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "nest_thermostat_in_manual_eco_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_lock_gateway_unlocking_not_enabled";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "ttlock_weak_gateway_signal";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "temperature_threshold_exceeded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_communication_degraded";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "scheduled_maintenance_window";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "device_has_flaky_connection";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_office_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_privacy_mode";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_almost_reached";
| {
created_at: string;
message: string;
warning_code: "unknown_issue_with_phone";
workspace_id: string;
}>, "devices" | "locks">, "devices">
- lockDoor(body?, options?): SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
acs_credential_on_encoder: null | {
card_number: null | string;
created_at: null | string;
ends_at: null | string;
is_issued: null | boolean;
starts_at: null | string;
visionline_metadata?: {
cancelled: ...;
card_format: ...;
card_holder?: ...;
card_id: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
discarded: ...;
expired: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
number_of_issued_cards: ...;
overridden?: ...;
overwritten: ...;
pending_auto_update: ...;
acs_credential_on_seam: null | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
} | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
warnings: {
warning_code: "acs_credential_on_encoder_out_of_sync" | "acs_credential_on_seam_not_found";
warning_message: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
} | {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
} | {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
} | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
| {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
| {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
| {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
| {
message: string;
type: "incompatible_card_format";
| {
message: string;
type: "credential_cannot_be_reissued";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
}>, "action_attempt">, "action_attempt"> Parameters
body: {
device_id: string;
sync?: boolean;
}device_id: string
sync?: boolean
- options: Pick<SeamHttpRequestOptions, "waitForActionAttempt"> = {}
Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
acs_credential_on_encoder: null | {
card_number: null | string;
created_at: null | string;
ends_at: null | string;
is_issued: null | boolean;
starts_at: null | string;
visionline_metadata?: {
cancelled: ...;
card_format: ...;
card_holder?: ...;
card_id: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
discarded: ...;
expired: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
number_of_issued_cards: ...;
overridden?: ...;
overwritten: ...;
pending_auto_update: ...;
acs_credential_on_seam: null | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
} | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
warnings: {
warning_code: "acs_credential_on_encoder_out_of_sync" | "acs_credential_on_seam_not_found";
warning_message: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
} | {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
} | {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
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acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
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error_code: string;
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| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
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acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
| {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
| {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
| {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
| {
message: string;
type: "incompatible_card_format";
| {
message: string;
type: "credential_cannot_be_reissued";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
}>, "action_attempt">, "action_attempt">
- unlockDoor(body?, options?): SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
acs_credential_on_encoder: null | {
card_number: null | string;
created_at: null | string;
ends_at: null | string;
is_issued: null | boolean;
starts_at: null | string;
visionline_metadata?: {
cancelled: ...;
card_format: ...;
card_holder?: ...;
card_id: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
discarded: ...;
expired: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
number_of_issued_cards: ...;
overridden?: ...;
overwritten: ...;
pending_auto_update: ...;
acs_credential_on_seam: null | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
} | {
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acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
warnings: {
warning_code: "acs_credential_on_encoder_out_of_sync" | "acs_credential_on_seam_not_found";
warning_message: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
} | {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
} | {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
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acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
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| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
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is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
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acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
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error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
| {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
| {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
| {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
| {
message: string;
type: "incompatible_card_format";
| {
message: string;
type: "credential_cannot_be_reissued";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
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result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
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action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
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result: {};
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| {
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action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
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message: string;
type: string;
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status: "error";
| {
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| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
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status: "success";
| {
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message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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| {
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result: {};
status: "success";
| {
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action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
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message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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status: "pending";
| {
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action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
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| {
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action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
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message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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status: "pending";
| {
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action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {};
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| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
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| {
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action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
}>, "action_attempt">, "action_attempt"> Parameters
body: {
device_id: string;
sync?: boolean;
}device_id: string
sync?: boolean
- options: Pick<SeamHttpRequestOptions, "waitForActionAttempt"> = {}
Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "LOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UNLOCK_DOOR";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
acs_credential_on_encoder: null | {
card_number: null | string;
created_at: null | string;
ends_at: null | string;
is_issued: null | boolean;
starts_at: null | string;
visionline_metadata?: {
cancelled: ...;
card_format: ...;
card_holder?: ...;
card_id: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
discarded: ...;
expired: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
number_of_issued_cards: ...;
overridden?: ...;
overwritten: ...;
pending_auto_update: ...;
acs_credential_on_seam: null | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
} | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: ...;
endpoint_id?: ...;
key_id?: ...;
key_issuing_request_id?: ...;
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: ...;
message: ...;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: ...;
card_function_type: ...;
card_id?: ...;
common_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
credential_id?: ...;
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: ...;
is_valid?: ...;
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: ...;
warnings: (
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...)
| (...))[];
workspace_id: string;
warnings: {
warning_code: "acs_credential_on_encoder_out_of_sync" | "acs_credential_on_seam_not_found";
warning_message: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SCAN_CREDENTIAL";
error: {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
} | {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
} | {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
error: null;
result: {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: true;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
} | {
access_method: "code" | "card" | "mobile_key";
acs_credential_id: string;
acs_credential_pool_id?: string;
acs_system_id: string;
acs_user_id?: string;
assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
door_names?: (...) | (...);
endpoint_id?: (...) | (...);
key_id?: (...) | (...);
key_issuing_request_id?: (...) | (...);
override_guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
card_number?: null | string;
code?: null | string;
created_at: string;
display_name: string;
ends_at?: string;
errors: {
error_code: string;
message: string;
| "pti_card"
| "brivo_credential"
| "hid_credential"
| "visionline_card"
| "salto_ks_credential"
| "assa_abloy_vostio_key"
| "salto_space_key";
external_type_display_name?: string;
is_issued?: boolean;
is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: null | boolean;
is_managed: false;
is_multi_phone_sync_credential?: boolean;
is_one_time_use?: boolean;
issued_at?: null | string;
latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: null | string;
parent_acs_credential_id?: string;
starts_at?: string;
visionline_metadata?: {
auto_join?: (...) | (...) | (...);
card_function_type: (...) | (...);
card_id?: (...) | (...);
common_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
credential_id?: (...) | (...);
guest_acs_entrance_ids?: (...) | (...);
is_valid?: (...) | (...) | (...);
joiner_acs_credential_ids?: (...) | (...);
warnings: (
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
| {
created_at: ...;
message: ...;
warning_code: ...;
workspace_id: string;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "ENCODE_CREDENTIAL";
| {
message: string;
type: "uncategorized_error";
| {
message: string;
type: "action_attempt_expired";
| {
message: string;
type: "no_credential_on_encoder";
| {
message: string;
type: "incompatible_card_format";
| {
message: string;
type: "credential_cannot_be_reissued";
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_FAN_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SET_HVAC_MODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "SYNC_ACCESS_CODES";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "CREATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "DELETE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: null;
result: {
access_code?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
action_type: "UPDATE_ACCESS_CODE";
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {};
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: null;
status: "pending";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: null;
result: {
noise_threshold?: any;
status: "success";
| {
action_attempt_id: string;
error: {
message: string;
type: string;
result: null;
status: "error";
}>, "action_attempt">, "action_attempt">
- updateClientSessionToken(clientSessionToken): Promise<void>
- clientSessionToken: string
Returns Promise<void>
- fromApiKey(apiKey, options?): SeamHttpLocks
- fromClient(client, options?): SeamHttpLocks
- fromClientSessionToken(clientSessionToken, options?): SeamHttpLocks
- fromConsoleSessionToken(consoleSessionToken, workspaceId, options?): SeamHttpLocks
- fromPersonalAccessToken(personalAccessToken, workspaceId, options?): SeamHttpLocks
- fromPublishableKey(publishableKey, userIdentifierKey, options?): Promise<SeamHttpLocks>
ID of the Connect Webview by which to filter devices.